Monday, July 9, 2012

No going backwards

Ma'Regina spent some time on Friday morning giving me the stink-eye after I got my knitting all messed up again. The ma's are crocheting blankets for a children's home around the corner from their bungalow for Mandela Day. I thought that I'd be let off the hook because I can't crochet, but apparently they're happy with one scrappy knitted square floating between all the perfectly symmetrical crocheted ones. But once again, the ma's have overestimated my knitting abilities and are having to save my catastrophe and untangle my mess. I sit shame-faced while Ma'Regina undoes the maze that I've created.

The women are talking about Facebook and the girl in her church uniform who was caught drinking and someone posted a picture of her and then she got into big trouble as she should because why was she drinking in the church uniform anyway and the youngsters today will do anything. Ma'MP comes to the girl's defense by suggesting "maybe she was photoshopped."
Say whaaat?
Here sit a group of 70 year old women, busy with their knitting. Dan, one of the guys who works on site gave them a couple of computer lessons last year, but that's it. So what do they know about photoshop?
I'm not the only one who wants to know.

Ma'Regina starts grilling Ma'MP, what does she mean?
The Xhosa is too rapid at times for me to follow, but I get the gist: it's when you put the one photo with the other photo to make a new photo.
The "aaaah's" are accompanied by nods.

But they're still not convinced that the girl in the church uniform wasn't actually drinking, and why do young people do these things anyway?

I'm still chuckling from the photoshop comment, and don't notice Ma'Regina waving me over at first, until her waves are accompanied by an: "Ntombezaan!"
I look up and she hands me back my knitting, and the cryptic instruction "no going backwards, just don't got backwards." I nod, earnestly, and try again.

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